What we do

Google Penalty Experts

Google Penalty Recovery Services

Have you been penalized by Google for unnatural links or content? Let us help you!

Why are we different?

 We are all about results. We put the ‘performance’ in performance marketing. Our services are aimed at driving sustainable growth for brands of all sizes. Here are some of our focus areas. 

Why are we different?

 We are all about results. We put the ‘performance’ in performance marketing. Our services are aimed at driving sustainable growth for brands of all sizes. Here are some of our focus areas. 

Penalty Assessment

The first step of our process is rather simple; we have to assess the extent of your penalty, before the process of rectification begins. There are various types of penalties, which include but are not limited to, Link Based Penalty (Penguin or manual unnatural links) or Content Based Penalty (Panda). These penalties can be compared to the different types of medical diseases; since every disease has its own medical diagnosis, similarly, every penalty has its own type of rectification procedures.

Spam Removal

Content is king; often, there might be a lot of spammy sites which might link up with your website, just to derive traffic. However, this spammy content can ruin your website’s legitimate traffic in a matter of seconds. Even though this might be a possibility, it’s not an impossible task. If this turns out to be the case, it’s imperative to reach out to the webmasters of these spam sites and have them remove the links, which might be pointing or linking to your website.

Disavow Request

During the clean up phase, it’s necessary to take all possible steps to disband the association with such bad links. However, many times, even after reaching out to the webmasters of spamming sites, we might end up getting a negative response from them. In case they refuse to remove the back links, we go ahead and submit a disavow file to Google, asking to revoke all value passed on by such domains. This way, all possible bad links are cleared out.

Reconsideration Request

Once the entire cleanup is done, it’s time to make amends and file a request with Google for reconsideration. This is yet another way to inform Google that all the bad links have been removed, and the site is healthy and compliant with the algorithms. Basis the report, Google will go ahead and reconsider, whether to grant the website proper rankings or not.

White-Hat SEO

Once the site is penalty free, we start a fresh round of SEO for your website, that ensures that you gain back the lost ground at the earliest. The aim is to grow back your keyword rankings, traffic and thereby your REVENUE!

Link Analysis

Since SEO’s modus operandi includes back links, it’s imperative to ensure that your entire website’s back links are well audited, to get you off the radar. This way, the faulty links are weeded out, and you only have relevant links, which are healthy and providing you the required amount of traffic for your website.

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How do we help you recover your site?

There are not many companies in the market which provide Google Penalty recovery. Since we are not a part of the crowd, we are proud to say that we help your business recover from the jolts of Google Penalties. During the penalizing stage, Google prefers to not take any prisoners. Their recent programs like Penguin, Panda, despite their endearing names, have the capabilities of ripping any good website apart.

If your business is suffering from a sudden decline in website traffic, low search ranking for targeted keywords, or you are receiving warning messages from Google on your console, then chances are you have been penalized. However, with a few well calculated moves, your website can flourish again, so that you never have to worry about getting ranked in the echelons of the search engine dungeons.

For this very reason, you need to work with experts to get your website out of the Google Penalty box.

How do we help you recover your website?

We do a deep root cause analysis to understand what made Google penalize your website in the first place. By collecting some data from basic sources, we can further understand our approach to get you out of the Penalized list. Currently, there are two possible reasons for Google Penalization:

·       Algorithm update: These updates are automatic and are majorly related to the timely updates from Google. Some recent algorithms include “Panda” and “Penguin”, which have caused uproar in the virtual world.

·       Manual penalty: This type of penalty is implied directly by the Google spam team. Although, this type of penalty is rare, nonetheless, it still occurs to most websites which are using Black Hat SEO techniques and corrupt back links.

Whatever be the reason for your website’s penalty, we can deal with it in a profound, professional manner. By using some industry tested tools and our expert know how, we will make sure we get the penalization removed immediately. We have the tools to conduct extensive back link searches, perform technical clean up operations as well as technical website crawls to ensure maximum recovery for your website. Apart from this, we perform some additional checks, which include content audits and Webmaster tool reviews so that your website, once cleaned, remains out of the clutches of any future automatic/manual updates.

What's in it for our clients?

Since every bit of traffic and rank counts, even a slight dip means that your business will be eaten up by the competition. Declining traffic means lower visibility, and lesser sales and a severe drop in revenue. As a business, these are the most dreaded situations which have a direct hit on profitability.

For this very reason, no matter if you have been hit by the Penguin or Panda syndrome, our Google Recovery Services are going to be your “jail free card”. By using this service, you will be able to revert to your original position in the market, while being able to regain your customers trust. Once we get your website back to its original rank, we continue to monitor it as per the latest SEO trends and algorithms. This way, your website never gets earmarked for the wrong reasons and your customers continue to be happy with your services.

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By updating and managing your social media accounts, we keep your brand’s name in the eyes of visitors at all times. We don’t believe in the concept of “Out of mind, out of sight”.

Get custom made content posted on your social media pages, so that the visitors can find relevant content which can help them associate with your brand.

We encourage different types of interactive engagement within the social media accounts, to ensure maximum participation from visitors.


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